Kern County, CA
Home MenuGeneral Services Administration
The Administration component of General Services is the County link to the myriad of services offered through this division. Responsible for a variety of support functions, administration staff understands the distribution of responsibility and can easily point staff and residents in the right direction. This team of professionals is the voice on the County Information Line; the coordinators of the County’s Energy Savings Initiative; the administrators of County Property Auctions; and the facilitators of the division’s budget, accounts payable, information systems technology, payroll and recruitment, among other things. Administration is the foundation of the division and just a telephone call away to help you solve your next challenge.
"In order to use Administration staff’s services most effectively, it is important to keep us informed on future projects or contracts you’re planning that will require action on our part throughout and up to completion of your project. Please give us a call or send us an email. We are here to help"
- Lisa Marcos, Administrative Services Officer
Did you know?
- In the past year, Administration has processed approximately 8,200 payables and 2,700 receivables for maintenance, custodial or other functions.
- Administration received an average of 100 calls per day on the County's information phone line.
Kern County General Services - Administration
1115 Truxtun Avenue, 3rd Floor
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: (661) 868-3000
Fax: (661) 868-3100